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Showing posts from July, 2016


Once upon a time, there was a boy who was playing on dry land and caught a big turtle. He intended to kill it, but he did not know how to do so. Therefore, he asked someone and he was told, "You just throw it into the water and he'll be killed at once." The boy believed the words and cast it into the water. Once in water, the turtle swam away. This is also held to be true with the common people. Hoping to protect their six sense organs and consecrating themselves to meritorious works, people do not know how to do so. Accordingly, they begin to ask others how to bring about deliverance. To them, the heretics, Maras, the evil ones and the wicked friends say in their words, "You just have to be fond of the six sense organs and indulge in the Five Desires. As I'm telling you, you'll get deliverance." Such stupid men follow these words without deep thinking and fall into the Three Evil Paths of Transmigration on the dissolution of the body after death. ...


Once upon a time, two friends were walking in the wilderness. On the way, one of them wearing a woolen coat was robbed of it by a thief. The other successfully escaped into a thicket. The loser of the coat had a piece of gold concealed in the collar. To the thief, he said, "This coat is worth one piece of gold. Now I beg you to let me redeem it at that value." The thief asked, "Where's the gold?" Opening up the collar, the man showed it to him and said, "Here's the pure gold. If you don't trust my words, you can go and ask a goldsmith who is hiding in the thicket now?" After seeing the second man, the thief also took his clothing from him. Such a stupid man thus lost his woolen coat, gold and everything. Not only had he lost his own belongings, he also made his friend lose them. This is also held to be true with the common people. Pious, having monastic grades and possessing other merits, people are robbed by the thief of temptation. They...


Once upon a time, there was a trained craftsman who worked for the king. He could not bear the hardship and deceitfully said he was blind in order to release himself from the hard work. On hearing it, another craftsman wanted to gouge out his own eyes so as to avoid the tiresome drudgery. Someone then asked him, "Why do you want to gouge out your eyes only to make yourself suffer more in another way?" Such a stupid man was laughed at by the people at large. This is also held to be true with the common people. For the sake of a little fame and gain, people are prone to tell wild stories and destroy their pure commandments. They will fall into the Three Evil Paths of Transmigration after their death, like that stupid man destroying his own eyes for a little benefit. 96詐稱眼盲喻 昔有工匠師,為王作務不堪其苦,詐言眼盲便得脫苦。有餘作師聞之,便欲自壞其目用避苦役。有人語言:「汝何以自毀?徒受其苦。」如是愚人為世人所笑。凡夫之人亦復如是,為少名譽及以利養,便故妄語毀壞淨戒,身死命終墮三惡道,如彼愚人為少利故自壞其目。

(95) A DOVE

Once upon a time, there were two doves, male and female, which lived together in a nest. They filled their nest with fruit seed that grew up during the fall. Later, the fruit dried and shrank to fill but half of the nest. The male was in a temper and said to the female, "We have been working hard together for the fruit. Now you have eaten it alone. It's half of what it was. The female replied, "I haven't eaten it alone. For the fruit has shrunk by itself." Incredulous, the male angrily said, "If it has not been you alone who had eaten, how could it grow so much less now?" Then he pecked the female to death. A few days later, it happened to rain heavily. The fruit got moist and grew to its former size. On seeing it, the male regretfully realized that she really had not eaten and that he had wrongly killed her. He then cried bitterly and called out to her: "Where have you gone?" This is also held to be true with the common people. Leading a...


Once upon a time, there was a man who was having an affair with a married woman. They were together when her husband came back. He found out their affair and stopped outside the door waiting for the man to come out to kill him. To the lover the woman said: "My husband knows what is going on. There is no way out but the mani." She wanted the man to escape by means of the sewer. The man misunderstood her to mean looking for the mani pearls. He looked everywhere but in vain. He said to himself: "I'll not leave here, if can't find the mani pearls." He was then killed by her husband. This is also held to be true with the common people. It is said, between birth and death, we live a life of impermanence, suffering, emptiness and unreality of ego. We have to reject the two extremes of annihilation and permanence by holding fast to the golden mean in order to get deliverance. However, the common people, misunderstand the two extremes to refer to the universe be...


Once upon a time, there was an old woman who was resting under a tree when a bear came to attack her. She ran around the tree trying to get away, while the bear held the tree with one hand and tried to grasp her with the other. Thus hard pressed, the woman quickly hugged the tree and held fast the bear's two claws so that the bear could not move. Then a stranger came up to the spot. The old woman called out, "Let's catch and kill the bear together. We'll share its meat." The stranger believed the old woman's words and began to help capture the bear. After seizing it, the old woman gave it up and ran away. Then he was leaving in the lurch and got injured by its claws. This is also held to be true with the common people. People progress heresy whose theories are far from good and whose phrases are tangled, complicated and full of errors. The successors want to continue and give an interpretation to them. However, they are unable to grasp the meaning. There f...


Once upon a time, a wet nurse was walking along the road with a child in her arms. She became also weary that she fell asleep on the way. Then a man appeared and gave the child some happy pills. Being gluttonous, the child was lured by the good taste and knew nothing about his intentions. The man forthwith stripped the child of his necklace, brooches and garments. This is also held to be true with the monks. Intent upon worldly interests and noisy places, those who are greedy for a little gain and support are drawn to temptation while a thief steals their spiritual credit and treasured commandments. They are just like that greedy child whose belongings are taken away by the thief, due to the enticement of some tasteful pills. 92小兒得歡喜丸喻 昔有一乳母抱兒涉路,行道疲極眠睡不覺。時有一人持歡喜丸授與小兒,小兒得已貪其美味不顧身物,此人即時解其鉗鏁瓔珞衣物都盡持去。比丘亦爾,樂在眾務憒閙之處,貪少利養為煩惱賊奪其功德戒寶瓔珞,如彼小兒貪少味故一切所有賊盡持去。


Once upon a time, there was a poor man who had but few possessions. After meeting some rich men, he wanted to be like one of them. Unable to do so, he was about to throw the little he had into the water. Some bystander said, "What you possess may be little, but you can live on it for a while. Why do you want to throw it into the water?" This is similar to what is done by the stupid of the world. People who happen to be ordained men get offerings, which come way below their expectations. What they have cannot equal that received by the high and virtuous ones. They see that those old and virtuous ordained men are supported by the mass of famous people. They want to be on an equal footing with them. Unable to get equality, they feel sorrowful and painful to such a degree as to break their faith. This is just like the stupid man who, wanting to be equal with the rich, casts out the precious possessions of his own. 91贫人欲与富者等财物喻 昔有一贫人,少有财物,见大富者,意欲共等。不能等故,虽有少财,欲弃水中。傍人语言:「此物...


Once upon a time, there was a poor man who picked up a sack of money in the streets. He was overwhelmed with happiness. Then he began to count the money. Suddenly, the real owner of the money showed up. He had to give back the whole sack. He regretted for not having gone off to a far away place sooner. He felt great pain for his loss. This is also held to be true with people who come into contact with Buddhism. Although people have the opportunity to meet the Three Precious One's Blessings, if they are not going earnestly good work's in time, they will fall into the Three Evil Paths of Transmigration after their deaths. His is just like that stupid man who gave back the money that he had found. As the Stanza has it: People, who are managing this business today, will plan another tomorrow. Only thinking of enjoyment without contemplation sorrow. Can make a man unaware of the impermanence of death. However, busily occupied in their worldly affairs. The common people alway...


Once upon a time, there was a man who found a gold weasel while traveling. He put it inside of his shirt as he leaped for joy. Traveling on, he reached a river where he took off his clothes for crossing. Subsequently, the gold weasel changed into a poisonous snake. Nevertheless, the man did not throw it out and kept it in the shirt. Deeply grateful, the snake changed back into pure gold. A stupid man nearby who saw it with his own eyes, took it for granted that it should always turned out that way. He then put a poisonous snake inside of his shirt. He got bitten and died soon after. This is also held to be true with the stupid of the world. On seeing those who have done good works and in turn have obtained benefit, people start to attach themselves to Buddhism. They are not motivated by faith but greed. They will finally fall into evil paths after death, like that man died of snakebites. 89得金鼠狼喻 昔有一人,在路而行,道中得一金鼠狼,心生喜踊,持置怀中,涉道而进。至水欲渡,脱衣置地,寻时金鼠变为毒蛇。此人深思,宁为毒蛇螫杀,要当怀去。心至冥感,还化为金。傍边愚...


Once upon a time, there was a female monkey holding a handful of beans. After dropping to the ground a grain of bean, she dropped all the beans in her hands by looking for the first one. All beans were then eaten by chicken and ducks before long. This is held to be true with the common monks. Those who break one commandment usually do not like to confess. Later, they break other commandments to such an extent that they end up breaking all of them. This is just like the female monkey who loses all beans by looking for a grain of bean. 88猕猴把豆喻 昔有一猕猴,持一把豆,误落一豆在地,便舍手中豆,欲觅其一。未得一豆,先所舍者,鸡鸭食尽。 凡夫出家亦复如是,初毁一戒而不能悔,以不悔故,放逸滋蔓,一切都舍,如彼猕猴,失其一豆,一切都弃。


Once upon a time, there was a band of robbers who divided their boot according to their different ranks. Among the belongings, there was a Benares Kambala, the color of which left much to be desired. It was considered as an inferior part to be given to one of the robbers of the lowest rank. The robber got angry and made a strong protest to the rest. Afterwards, he brought it to the city for sale. An honorable elderly man paid him a high price. He ended up getting more money than any other robber in the band. He then leaped for joy. This is held to be true with the almsgiving. People who are doing almsgiving, are usually not aware whether there will be a retribution. Be it ever so little they are doing it, they, after death, go to Heaven to enjoy an unlimited amount of happiness. The less they do, the more they get. They will then regret for not having done enough. This is just like the robber who was happy after he had got a top price for his Kambala. 87劫盗分财喻 昔有群贼共行劫盗,多取财物,即共分...


(86) THE FATHER AND HIS SON'S EARRINGS Once upon a time, there were a man and his son taking a business trip together. On their way, they came across robbers trying to rob the valuable things off them. The son had a pair of pure gold earrings on. When the father saw the robbers approaching, he tried to pull the rings off to hide them. As he did not succeed in doing that in a hurry, he cut his son's head off. When the robbers went away, he tried to put the son's head back on where it had been. No success came out of it. Such a stupid was laughed at by the people at large. For fame and gain, people argue with a joking expression on the following subjects: (1) There is the present life and the hereafter and there is not. (2) There is the intermediate existence between death and reincarnation and there is not. (3) There are several qualities of the mind and there are not. Such foolish arguments are not real Buddhist teachings. According to the Law of Buddhism, there are ...


(85) THE WOMAN WHO HAD SORE EYES Once upon a time, there was a woman who had a bad case of sore eyes. Another woman told her, "Where there are eyes, there are some times pains. Although my eyes do not ache now, I want to gouge them out so that they will not ache later." A bystander said, "Though it's true that when you have your eyes, they may sometimes ache to disturb you, yet when you don't have them, you'll be sure to suffer for lifetime." This is also held to be true with the common stupid men. People have heard that wealth and fame are the sources of decadence. They are afraid of retribution in the hereafter for not doing almsgiving in their present lives. The more wealth they have, the more troubles they sometimes suffer afterwards. It is said that if you do almsgiving, you may be happy, or you may be not. But if you don't do it, you will surely be the most unhappy man. This is just like that woman who could not bear the thought of having s...


(84) DOGS WERE BEATEN WHEN THE LUNAR ECLIPSE HAPPENED Once upon a time, there was a king of Asuras who covered the moon with his hands when he thought it too bright. However, the stupid men laid the blame on innocent dogs, which were sometimes unjustly beaten. This is also held to be true with the people at large. They often suffer from the desires, anger and ignorance. But they want to destroy them by sleeping on thorns and their bodies are burning with the five pains just like the dogs were beaten when the lunar eclipse happened. 84月蚀打狗喻 昔阿修罗王见日月明净,以手障之。无智常人,狗无罪咎,横加于恶。 凡夫亦尔,贪瞋愚痴,横苦其身,卧棘刺上,五热炙身,如彼月蚀,枉横打狗。


Once upon a time, a female monkey was beaten by a full-grown person. The animal had no other alternative than gave vent to its anger later on a small boy. This is also held to be true with the common stupid men. One who is offended by another person takes out his anger sometimes on a third person. Human affairs are always in a state of transition without discontinuity. For things born in the past are bygone. What come after are different things. Thus the one wrongfully gets into a temper only gets deeper and deeper into hatred. This is just like the monkey that has been beaten by a grown person vents its anger on a small boy. 83猕猴喻 昔有一猕猴,为大人所打,不能奈何,反怨小儿。 凡夫愚人亦复如是,先所瞋人,代谢不停,灭在过去。乃于相续后生之法,谓是前者,妄生瞋念,毒恚弥深,如彼痴猴,为大人所打,反瞋小儿。


Once upon a time, there was a peasant who went to another farmer's property to examine his wheat plants. He asked the owner, "How do you make the wheat grow so well?" The owner replied, "First, you have to flatten the field. Then you pour some liquid manure. That's why it has turned out so nicely." The peasant then did what the other farmer had told him. He poured liquid manure to blend with the soil and scattered seed in land. Treading the field with his feet, he was afraid that the land would become too hard to be fruitful. He said to himself, "I should sow sitting on a bed carried by others. That'll do." He then ordered each of the four men to hold a leg of the bed to scatter seed in land which became all the harder. Initially he was afraid that his own two feet might be too heavy for the land. Then he added still eight of others to do the job. He was laughed at by others. This is also held to be true with the common people. To c...


Once upon a time, there were a man and his son traveling together. The son got into the woods and was bitten by a bear. Scratches were all over his body. Being in a difficult situation, he fled to his father. Seeing his son's wounds, the father was astonished and asked, "How did you get wounded?" The son replied, "There was a long-haired monster that bit me." The father grasped bows and arrows and went to the woods where he saw a longhaired supernatural being. When he was about to shoot at him, a bystander said, "Why do you want to shoot at this, since he is innocent? You should punish the guilty." This is also held to be true with the stupid of the world. People offended by an immoral monk in his religious robe, are apt to do the worst harm to all good and virtuous monks. This is just like the father wanting to be revenged on the supernatural man for his son's bites by a bear. 81为熊所啮喻 昔有父子与伴共行。其子入林为熊所啮,爪坏身体,困急出林,还至伴边。父见其子身体伤坏,怪问之言:「汝...


Once upon a time, there was a man who had a pain in his rear. The doctor said it would be healed by giving an enema. He immediately went to fetch the instruments for that purpose. The patient took the drug before the physician came back. His belly became inflated beyond description. After his return, the doctor wondered what had happened to the patient and asked him the cause of it. To the physician, he replied, "I've just taken the drug for enema. That's why I'm dying." After hearing these words, the doctor scolded him in following words, "You are the most stupid man I've ever met. You are acting against all senses." Then he gave him other drugs. The patient vomited and was cured. Such a stupid man was laughed at by the people at large. This is also held to be true with the common people. The contemplation in meditation comprises many methods. Those who practice meditating on the uncleanness of the human bodies are not appropriate to practic...


Once upon a time, there was a king who wished to go to the garden named "Free From Care" for a good time. He ordered one of his ministers, "You'll drag a lounge chair to that garden for me to sit and take rest on." The minister considered it a demeaning job for a minister to drag a chair. So he refused to do it and replied, "I would rather carry it on my back with a pole than dragging it." Then the king put thirty-six chairs on his back and asked him to carry them to the garden. Such a stupid man was laughed by the people at large. This is also held to be true with the common people. Seeing hair fallen from a woman's head on the ground, people are reluctant to pick it up, in the name of keeping the commandments. However once disturbed by ignorance and desire, they do not mind picking up thirty-six unclean things at a time such as hair, capillary, nail, tooth, excrement, urine, etc., without feeling shameful and even keep them as long as the...


Once upon a time, there was a man who told his son one night, "Tomorrow I'll go with you to another tribe for some errands." The son hastened to go there by himself at dawn without telling his father. On his arrival, he was so tired that he did nothing. Furthermore, he could not find food. He got very hungry and thirsty. After he came back, his father scolded him and said, "You are very stupid indeed. Why didn't you wait for me? You ran back and forth for nothing, only to suffer in vain." He was laughed at by the people at large. This is also held to be true with the common people. Those who have the opportunity to become monks and who shave off their moustache and have their hair cut, and who wear the monk's three robes, do not ask for guidance to obtain Nirvana from an imminent teacher. They will in the end, lose not only the meditation training, but also the merits of monastic grades. Finally, they will lose altogether the supreme results from...


Once upon a time, there was a group of frontiersmen who had never seen a monkey before. Thus they could not identify it. They were told that its milk was delicious. It happened that they found a male donkey and they tried to milk it. They began their wrangling about apprehending it. One seized its head: another, its ears; the third, its tail; the fourth, its feet; and finally the fifth, its penis. All wanted to be the first to drink its milk. The one who grasped the donkey's penis called out that he could get milk there from. Then he began to extract. Finally, this group of people felt tired and bored, for they could not get what they had wanted. They got nothing in return, despite of their effort. They were all laughed at by the people at large. This is also held to be true with the common heretics. The heretics who learn their religious faith from some inadequate sources, might lead to illusions giving rise to all kinds of heterodox views such as to go naked, to fast, to ju...


Once upon a time, there was a farmer who went to the city and saw the princess who was very graceful. He found she was quite a rare beauty. Afterwards he thought of nothing else but the princess day and night. Since he could not find a way to have a talk with her, he became yellow and fell very ill from his love-sickness. His parents and relatives asked him what had happened to him. He replied, "Yesterday I saw the graceful princess with whom I would like to get acquainted. But I've been unable to think of a way. This is why I have fallen ill. I'll die soon!" The parents and relatives said, "We'll find a way. Don't be so upset." Two days later, they said to him, "We have found a way. Unfortunately, she didn't like it at all." Upon hearing these words the farmer got very happy and said with a big smile to other people that she would come to him if he sent for her. This is also held to be true with the stupid men of the world. A ...


Once upon a time, there was a man who had a jar used to hold grain. A camel put its head into it to eat the grain, but it could not get its head out. The man became angry and worried. An old man came up to him and said, "Don't be upset. I'll tell you how to get him out. It'll get its head out in no time if you listen to me. You should cut off its head and he'll be out." The man followed his words. He killed the camel and also broke the jar. Such an idiot was jeered by the people at large. This is also held to be true with the common stupid men. Those who hope for Enlightened minds through the Three Vehicles, must keep commandments and avoid doing evil deeds. However, they indulge themselves in the Five Desires, which will destroy them. Not only do they end up breaking commandments, but also giving up the Three Vehicles. In addition, they follow their own inclination and yield to their whims at the same time. There is nothing evil they will not do. Thus the...


Once upon a time, there was a kingdom which had a law that all Brahmans in the country should keep their bodies clean and those who do not would be subject to all kinds of hard works. There was a Brahman who was always holding an empty pot pretending that he was a clean man. When someone poured water into his pot, he spilled it and said in these words, "I don't want to wash myself. Let the king do it himself. I have been lying to shun hard labor, because of the king's law." This is also held to be true with the common monks. A monk, who has shaved his head and worn dyed garments, could break commandments while pretending to be following them outwardly. Thus he wants to receive gain and offerings and avoids labor work, superficially he looks like a monk, but in reality, he cheats, just like the Brahman holding an empty pot and keeping up appearances. 74出家凡夫貪利養喻 昔有國王設於教法,諸有婆羅門等在我國內制抑洗淨,不洗淨者,驅令策使種種苦役。有婆羅門空捉澡灌,詐言洗淨,人為其著水即便瀉棄。便作是言:「我不洗淨王自洗之。」為王意故用避王役,妄言洗淨實不洗之。出...


Once upon a time, there was a man who rode on a black horse to a battle. Out of fear, he was incapable to combat. He daubed his face and eyes with blood and dirt. Pretending to be dead, he laid down in the midst of corpses. The horse on which he had rode was taken away. After the battle was through, he went home bringing with him the cut-off tail of a white horse that belonged to another soldier. Back at home, he was asked, "Where is your old horse?" The man replied, "My horse is dead. I have brought back with me its tail." People said, "But your old horse was black. How did its tail turn white?" Speechless, the man was laughed at. So are the people at large. Despite of their pretending to be good, pious, compassionate and restraining themselves to eat meat and drink wine, people indulge themselves in killing and injuring other sentient beings and thus raising to pain and cruelty. Furthermore, they boast that they do good deeds, but there is nothin...


Once upon a time, there was a man who went to his wife's home where he saw people removing the husk from rice. He stole some rice and hid it in his mouth. When the wife came to talk to him, he could not answer her with his mouth full. He disliked to leave it lest he would put her to shame. So he stood speechless. That aroused her curiosity all the more. Looking at him and feeling him with her hands, she found his mouth swollen. Thereupon she said to her father, "On his way over, my husband suddenly got a swollen mouth and is unable to speak." Immediately her father sent for a doctor who said, "Very serious is your illness. It will be cured by an operation." Then an operation on his mouth was done and his act of theft was exposed. This is also held to be true with the people at large. In doing evil deeds to break the pure commandments and hiding sins, people descend to the Three Evil Ways of hells, beasts and hungry ghosts. This is just like the stupid ma...


Once upon a time, there was a man who had two wives. Whenever he was with one of them, the other got very angry. Faced with such a dilemma, he decided one night to lie flat on the back between the two. It happened that it was raining so heavily that their house began to have a leak. Water and mud fell into his eyes, but he dared not get up and run away, due to the decision he had taken before. Finally he became completely blind. This is also held to be true with the common people of the world. By keeping bad company and doing unlawful deeds, people create Karmas and fall into the Three Evil Paths of Transmigration. Not only will they remain in the round of existences forever, but also lose their eyes of wisdom, just like the stupid man who turned blind. 71為二婦故喪其兩目喻 昔有一人娉取二婦,若近其一,為一所瞋。不能裁斷,便在二婦中間正身仰臥。值天大雨屋舍霖漏,水土俱下墮其眼中,以先有要不敢起避,遂令二目俱失其明。世間凡夫亦復如是,親近邪友習行非法,造作結業墮三惡道,長處生死喪智慧眼,如彼愚夫為其二婦故二眼俱失。


Once upon a time, there was an elderly man who sent a servant to buy him some apples. He gave him orders as follows, "You'll buy some good and sweet apples for me." The servant then went on an errand with money. The owner of the apple orchard said to him, "All my apples are good and sweet: There is not a single bad one. You'll know it when you taste one." The servant said, "I'll buy some after I taste every single one of them. How do I know about the rest. If I only taste one?" After tasting them one by one, he bought the apples. The master did not like the sight of all these half-eaten apples and he threw them all out. This is also held to be true with the people at large. Seeing that all those who keep almsgiving commandment, can acquire great wealth and happiness, physically at ease and mentally stable. People still remark in disbelief, "We'll believe it if we can get them for ourselves." To see for yourself in noble...


Once upon a time, there was a man who went from North India to the South where he lived for a long time, got married and settled down. One day the wife prepared some food. The husband ate it in one mouthful while it was piping hot. She asked in shock, "There is no one here trying to take the food away from you. What made you eat so fast?" The husband said, "That's a great secret that I have been keeping from you." Upon hearing these words, the wife insisted on knowing the secret, thinking there might have some special reason for it. After a pause, the husband replied, "My ancestors made it a rule to eat quickly, I'm doing it nothing more than an act of observing the tradition. This is the reason of my eating in a hurry. The same also holds true with the common people. People who are doing evil things have no sense of shame, because they do not know what is right or how to distinguish truth from falsehood. They say they observe the tradition. They ...


Once upon a time, there was an unhappy man who bore grudges against another man. He was asked: "Why are you so unhappy?" He replied: "Somebody speaks ill of me. I don't know how to do it. That's why I'm so upset." He was told, "Only with the Vetala incantation can you hurt him. However, there will be a drawback. That is to say, instead of your hurting him, you will suffer from your boom rang." Upon hearing these words, he cheered up and said, "Please show me the way. Even though I'll hurt myself, I still would like to hurt him." So are the people at large. Out of revenge, people seek the Vetala incantation to hurt others without realizing that to feel anger and hatred is to get hurt themselves and fall into the Three Evil Paths of hells, beasts and hungry ghosts. They are in no way different from the stupid man in this story. 68共相怨害喻 昔有一人,共他相嗔,愁憂不樂。有人問言:「汝今何故愁悴如是?」即答之言:「有人毀我力不能報,不知何方可得報之,是以愁耳。」有人語言:「唯有毘陀羅呪可以害彼,但有一患...


Once upon a time, there were a man and his wife who shared three cakes. On the third, they made a bet, "whoever talks first loses his share of the cake." After this, they stopped talking. In no time, a thief forced his way into the house to rob valuable things. The couple saw that everything fell into the thief's hand without uttering a sound, due to the bet they had made previously. Seeing that they said nothing, the thief started to attack the wife in the presence of her husband who still would not utter a word. Then she shouted to her husband, "How stupid you are! You wouldn't shout only because of a cake." Clapping his hand in joy, the husband said, "Oh! My girl. I'll get the cake. I won't give you any of it." Upon hearing the story, everyone nearby laughed at them. So are the common people. For a little fame and gain, people deceptively appear to be quiet and silent. When they are disturbed with their false worries and all oth...


Once upon a time, there was a young man from a respectable family who went to the sea with some merchants to look for pearls. He had read all about sailing such as to know how to steer the boat, how to take the right direction and how to hold in good position when they had to face whirlpools, counter-currents, or rocks during the journey. To everybody aboard, he said, "I know all about sailing." Everyone believed him. It was not long before the captain of the boat fell ill and died soon after. He then took charge of the boat. When they came to whirlpools and rapid currents, he recited what he had read without knowing how to put those instructions into practice. The boat that was strolling and going round could not advance to the pearls place. Then they all drowned. So are the common people. They have little knowledge of quiet sitting, of counting the breathings and of contemplating on the uncleanness of human body for the practice of meditation. Although they can read t...


Once upon a time, there was a woman who led a promiscuous life. She hated her husband when she was burning with lascivious desires. However, there was no opportunity for her to carry out any of her schemes to kill him. It so happened that her husband was sent on an official mission to a neighbouring state, the woman secretly prepared some poisonous pills. To the husband she said with a faked tenderness, "Now that you have been sent far away on this official mission, I have prepared for you five hundred pills both as food supplies and as something to cheer you up. You will take them when you are hungry, when you reach the border." The husband did not take them when he crossed the frontier. It was dark then and he decided to rest in the forest. Afraid of wild animals, he climbed up a tree to spend the night. He left his pills under the tree. On that same night, a group of five hundred thieves stopped at the same spot with five hundred horses and precious things stolen from ...


Once upon a time, there was an old house where the rumours had it that an evil demon often appeared. People were so frightened that no one would dare to be in it. A man claiming himself dauntless said: "I would like to spend a night in this house." So he did. Upon hearing from the bystander that the house was frequently haunted by an evil demon, another man also wanted to do the same proving himself to be more intrepid than the first one. He tried to enter by pushing the door. The one who had got into the house first thought the second one to be the demon and blocked the door to his entrance. The second, unable to open the door, thought the first one to be the demon. They first argued and then began to fight until dawn. When finally coming face to face, they realized that they were both mistaken. So are the people at large. Our ego is subject to the law of impermanence and cause-effect, and therefore there is no mastering power in our body. Considering and analyzing a...


Once upon a time, there was a troupe of actors from Cadhara Kingdom, rambling in different parts of the country giving performances due to a famine. They passed the Pala New Mountain where evil demons and men-eater Raksas had been found. The troupe had to lodge in the mountain where it was windy and cold. They slept with the fire on. One of them who were chilly wore Raksa demon's costume and sat near the fire when another actor awoke and saw him. He ran away without looking closely at him. In general panic, the whole troupe got up and ran away. The one who wore the Raksa garment, not realizing what was happening, followed them. Seeing he was behind them, all the actors got more frightened to do them harm. They crossed rivers and mountains, and jumped into ditches and gullies. All got wounded in addition to the great fear they suffered. They did not realize that he was not a demon until daybreak. So are all the common people. Those who happen to be in the midst of the misfortun...